Python for data science Week 4 Answers

 Which of the following are regression problems? Assume that appropriate data is given.

1 point
Which of the followings are binary classification problems?
1 point
If a linear regression model achieves zero training error, can we say that all the data points lie on a hyperplane in the (d+1)-dimensional space? Here, d is the number of features.

Read the information given below and answer the questions from 4 to 6:

Data Description:

An automotive service chain is launching its new grand service station this weekend. They offer to service a wide variety of cars. The current capacity of the station is to check 315 cars thoroughly per day. As an inaugural offer, they claim to freely check all cars that arrive on their launch day, and report whether they need servicing or not!

Unexpectedly, they get 450 cars. The servicemen will not work longer than the working hours, but the data analysts have to!

Can you save the day for the new service station?

How can a data scientist save the day for them?

He has been given a data set, ‘ServiceTrain.csv’ that contains some attributes of the car that can be easily measured and a conclusion that if a service is needed or not.

Now for the cars they cannot check in detail, they measure those attributes and store them in ‘ServiceTest.csv

Problem Statement:

Use machine learning techniques to identify whether the cars require service or not

Read the given datasets ‘ServiceTrain.csv’ and ‘ServiceTest.csv’ as train data and test data respectively and import all the required packages for analysis.
1 point
Which of the following machine learning techniques would NOT be appropriate to solve the problem given in the problem statement?
1 point
After applying logistic regression, what is/are the correct observations from the resultant confusion matrix?

Prepare the data by following the steps given below, and answer questions 6 and 7.
  • Encode categorical variable, Service - Yes as 1 and No as 0 for both the train and test datasets.
  • Split the set of independent features and the dependent feature on both the train and test datasets.
  • Set random_state for the instance of the logistic regression class as 0.
1 point
The logistic regression model built between the input and output variables is checked for its prediction accuracy of the test data. What is the accuracy range (in %) of the predictions made over test data?
1 point
How are categorical variables preprocessed before model building?

The Global Happiness Index report contains the Happiness Score data with multiple features (namely the Economy, Family, Health, and Freedom) that could affect the target variable value.

Prepare the data by following the steps given below, and answer question 8

  • Split the set of independent features and the dependent feature on the given dataset
  • Create training and testing data from the set of independent features and dependent feature by splitting the original data in the ratio 3:1 respectively, and set the value for random_state of the training/test split method’s instance as 1
1 point
A multiple linear regression model is built on the Global Happiness Index dataset ‘GHI_Report.csv’. What is the RMSE of the baseline model?
1 point
A regression model with the following function =60+5.2 was built to understand the impact of humidity () on rainfall (). The humidity this week is 30 more than the previous week. What is the predicted difference in rainfall?
1 point
 and  are two variables that have a strong linear relationship. Which of the following statements are incorrect?


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